GIZ Final Mutch
Final match of “Violence Prevention and Peacebuilding Championship”

within the program (Preventing violent extremism, building resilience of youth, and improving social cohesion - Sahl Al-Akhdhar - Shirqat district- Salahdin) implemented by the Sahara Organization for Economic Development in cooperation with the SILM Fund.

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Non-Food-Items (NFI) Distribution

Non-Food-Items (NFI) Distribution in Salah Al-Deen and Kirkuk to IDPs, Returnees and Host community in informal settlement.

Hygiene Awareness
Hygiene Awareness

The awareness model was door-to-door awareness-raising sessions. COVID-19 preventive measures are ensured by avoiding massive gatherings and keeping social distance during hygiene promotion campaigns.
In each round, the awareness-raising took five working days

Early Childhood Development

The invitees to these sessions are the local authority at the district level, stakeholders in the early childhood development such as the departments of health, social affairs departments, education department, and the interior departments, as well as civil activists and community focal points for discussing the presentation on the national strategy for early childhood development in Iraq

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14 M $





Local Operators



1 M

People Helped


Sahara Economic Development Organization (SEDO), is an Iraqi nonprofit NGO with a legal personality and registered in the federal government in Baghdad and in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. SEDO aims to empower the civil society and private sector to participate effectively in the local and national economic development through different tools and techniques and take their responsibilities in providing assistance to the marginalized and vulnerable groups in Iraq. SEDO until now (end of 2022) implemented more than forty projects funded by international organizations and nine projects with self-fund and local companies to achieve its goals.


A world in which every person attains the right to survival and development with dignity.


SEDO`s mission is to provide relief, recovery and sustainable development support to vulnerable and marginalized groups.


Humanitarian, Respect, Independence, Transparency and Neutrality